Abi Rocks!!!!

Sunday, April 13

I've been so lucky with so many awesome free finds that have fallen in my lap (see previous freecycle post) Another fabulous find- these shoes!! My friend, Abi has been emptying her grandmother's home for its upcoming sale. In the process, I've gotten so many really cool (and some not so cool, i.e. antique tampons) antiques from her grandmother's home. Her latest trip yielded these cool vintage shoes in their original vintage boxes in surprisingly good condition. My feet being two sizes smaller than her's, Abi was not able to reap the benefit of these and gave them to me instead. And I have to say, her grandmother, aside from being a packrat had some good taste.

Abi & I at a wedding (Not my best pic. A little toothy for my taste.) But Abi looks great as always.

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