Reminisce 1

Tuesday, March 29

Remember these?! I used to have to either close my eyes and cover my ears or leave the room when they came on.


Kellie said...

ooooh, these guys freaked me out!!! i could not handle them. lol.

Anonymous said...

yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep

Anonymous said...

I remember them. Does anyone remember the piano player guy that used get frustrated when he could not remember the lyrics to "Row Your Boat"? He would then bang his head on his piano keys. I used to find this hilarious until my son saw me laughing hysterically and started imitating him. oops.

dianapantz said...

they didnt scare me as a child, but they really do look creepy now.

NativeMadridian said...

I am so glad I wasn't the only one who got completely freaked out by these guys! They still give me the creeps!

stephchows said...

OMG I need to buy those for my nephew!! LOL those guys were the best :) Any idea where to find them? Does it make me creepy that I didn't find them creepy? LOL

Andy said...

who obtained completely freaked out by these guys! They nevertheless give me the creeps
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