Thought these were a modern, animal friendly way of getting the look of a bust. Added bonus- your kids can help you put them together. Buy them here at Cardboard Safari.
Cardboard Safari
Wednesday, April 30
My new blog!
Tuesday, April 29
I'm sorry for the lack of post yesterday. But I do have a perfectly good excuse and that is....GROSGRAIN! My new blog devoted to sewing. Please, check it out. I have a fabulous post about a new reversible dress I designed. More cute than anything in Gymboree, I swear.
Not too modern not too disney
Both lily and molly have had beautiful origami mobiles made just for them. However, I don't think I'll ever have it in me to ever make another one. They can be highly tedious and frustrating. I did find a couple really unique, completely disney-free mobiles sure to prompt guests to ask whereever you bought it. They look like something you might see at MOMA but really affordable. Something about me prefers the ugly duckling. Buy them here at Modern Nursery.
Vintage wallpaper. Animal shapes. Who could resist?
Saturday, April 26
I just love this idea. Vintage wallpaper, hand-cut and reprinted, into different animals and flora. Find them here at Romp!
Another duty to neglect
Friday, April 25
Shirking the small details makes more of a difference than you'd probably imagine. My fingernails are always black and chipped from some project I'm in the middle of completing and the balls of my feet are always rough and dirty from walking barefoot all day. To the average daily encounter I must look like I don't bathe for weeks. I've *never* had a professional manicure in my life let alone a pedicure. So that's why the theme of our bi-weekly MOPS meeting was right up my alley. They say
pedicures and manicures are as much about relaxation as they are about the aesthetics of having nice-looking nails. See my introduction to the world of pampered rituals above (I'm wearing black) By the looks of things, some of us start earlier than others. How cute!
If I were three again....
I've always been a fan of leaving a child's room looking like a room rather than creating a tacky "theme". But looking at this space makes makes me want to change my mind
and convert our upstairs office into another bedroom. Perhaps when Molly gets older. Although, it would be a sad day when you'd have to paint over the walls in lieu of some N'Sync-ish poster and blinking string lights. See how she did it here!
Like mommy like daughter.
Thursday, April 24
I just bought this FABULOUS dress at Target on sale for ONLY $11.48 (online for $45) which reminded me of a post DesignMom published a couple weeks ago about this darling designer of children's dresses-
Ses Petites Mains. Their dresses would totally go with my new Issac Mizarahi find. Their prices are really high but what else would you expect from a small designer with a french name?
A place to hang your heart.
Wednesday, April 23
These are just the most charming hangers. Picture a child's white linen dress hanging from their shoulders. You can buy them here.
It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away.
Tuesday, April 22
To celebrate earth day I met Brian on his lunchbreak and had a picnic out on the riverfront (well, okay Earth Day might have been incidental) BUT we did throw away our garbage after we were done. I noted that leaving our trash *might* give the hoards of elementary school children with their white plastic bags something to do but Brian was too lily-livered. As far as earth days go I think this one was near the top. The weather was great! Sunny, not too hot, not too cold....maybe a tad breezy but still pretty close to perfect. And the trees
were GORGEOUSO!! The brightest blossoms I think I've *ever* seen. Brian enjoyed his surprise 'fantasy baseball' tee and I took a lot of photos with our mouths full of Panera....but kept those out of the blog. No one needs to see that.
Fetching florals, feathers and field sparrows for your spring coif.
After reading an Oh happy day! post. I felt inspired to peruse etsy in search of some lovely hairpieces appropriate for adorning your coif in that spring sunlight. Here are some of my fetching finds. Just click on the picture to be taken directly to
the selling url. Enjoy:)
Look fashionable while sporting a black eye;)
Monday, April 21
Step back into the fifties with these *cool* vintage ice bags. Good for headaches, backaches and booboos. Just like grandma used to have....but with better fabric! Look fashionable while sporting a black eye;) You can buy them here!
Pretty things for my car

Oh one more thing, the simplicity pattern came with a shopping cart cover. I might try that one next. If you have any questions about the pattern just send me a message or comment!
Where the line blurs.......
Sunday, April 20
Some ideas to make your life easier
Saturday, April 19
This looks great for mommies on the go. You could feed your child without a messy open container. Either in the backseat on a long car ride, a picnic or just for everyday feeding. Whatever. Thought I'd give it a shout out. You can buy it here.
This looked so useful too! I know my daughter has (perhaps literally) a million stuffed animals. I don't have any room for them and I can't bring myself to give them away so they are constantly encroching on the order of things. This product will take care of two birds with one stone. Soft seating/stuffed animal storage. Comes in different sizes and colors. Buy them here.
Spring Picnic
Friday, April 18
Today was the warmest day of the year (so far). We didn't have any grand plans so we spent the afternoon eating a picnic lunch in the backyard. Molly enjoyed the outdoors, spellbound by all the sights and sounds she doesn't experience indoors.
We had fried chicken and french fries. Lily of course ate one bite and didn't want anymore, requested an apple, ate five bites then said she was full. Ugh. We finished the lunch by adorning our hair with flowers and throwing the apple to the birds.